If you enjoy making music on your spare time and want to start earning some money for your efforts, one option is to record some music and sell it online. There are a number of websites that allow musicians to sell their songs to those who are looking for music for commercials, movies, and even YouTube videos. With lots of competition, you'll want to ensure that your songs stand out for the right reasons, as that will help people to buy them for placement in a variety of ways.
- If you love electronic dance music, or EDM, you might want to attempt to be the DJ at a show. You may even want to DJ your own shows and become as popular as some of those making hits with pop singers. However, when just starting, DJ pointers like these enhance your skills and career. Watch DJ Tutorials Of course, technical skill is as important as your creative qualities. To be a working, sought-after DJ, you're going to need to purchase equipment and know how to use what you've got.
- Getting married is an event that people look forward to with anticipation. A lot of planning and money goes into a wedding and reception, so the event needs to run smoothly. Music plays an important role in the overall success of a reception. If you are thinking of hiring a DJ for your reception, it's important that you are able to separate the good ones from the great ones, so keep these tips in mind.
- When your fingers dance across the keys of your piano, and you aren't pleased with what you hear, it could be because you need lessons — or, if you're an accomplished player, the instrument may need to be tuned. Pianos will require tuning over time, and you can turn to an experienced piano tuner in your community who can visit your home and get the piano back to sounding its best.
- As a marching band director, you have three options for getting your show together. You can purchase an off-the-shelf arrangement, you can design your own show, or you can hire a professional to provide you with a custom arrangement. Of these options, the custom arrangement will be the most expensive for your program. But for most marching bands, the benefits outweigh the costs. Below are some reasons why you should hire a professional arranger.